funky geri!!!
funky geri!!!

3rd Jun 1999
hi i am geri
or my real
name tomer yerushalmy
i like soccer,basketball,
sea,pool,pizza,and sleep
bacicly this web site is
to tell all my freinds
that i can build web site
and to show to ido zehori did has somthing that i do better
then him



ido zehori=the devil
loser that think he
somthindg speceil
(he's not)
if you wont to know how he
look so look at the picture
from right

who is ido (for case you wondrean)

one man here knock at the door
he open and see sneill he took
the sneill and throw him for
after 5 years again knock at the door
and the sneill stand thier and say:waht is it sapows to mean?!

5ive page!!!


icq page!!!

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[email protected]

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